Adjust the Equalizer and Preamp limit

For me it would be more useful to increase the dB range like ±20dB instead of ±15dB.


  • Well, tbh, 20 dB would be too much of anything when it comes to equalizers and preamp. Only 15 dB range is the way to go. The original equalizer range that always has the starting point with the preamp is -15 dB and +15 dB. Even I checked the equalizer dB range from the equalizer apps and I also looked it up on Google when it comes to research. And, it's only going to be the 15 dB range in an equalizer and preamp.
  • Music Speed Changer also needs to put 20 Hz in the equalizer as well. It's the lowest starting point of human hearing. It's the most important low bass frequency of pure sub as well, not only just 60 Hz. It's super low that you can only feel it and not hear the tone. That's why the equalizer needs to be updated.
  • And, also back then, the minimum speed was 10%. It should've came back.
  • @Bobby Robby Technically you can increase and decrease the dB by more than 15dB by using the preamp. The preamp can boost or lower the signal before it reaches the equalizer. So, if you want to increase the volume more than the 15dB of the equalizer, turn up the preamp to boost the input signal. But please be careful, you can blow out your speakers by boosting the signal too much!
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