Music stops playing when in background

edited December 2016 in Bugs (Android)
I've been having some problems with the app. I don't know if this is a big or not but when I'm playing a song and I switch tour another app or press the home button, the music shuts off. I need to know if this is a bug or not.


  • edited December 2016
    If you mean its plays for perhaps a bit and then suddenly stops (notification disappears) without a crash message when it's in the background, it's due to the overly aggressive OOM (Out of Memory) killer in some devices with some versions of Android. Theoretically, Android can kill any process on it's own, with a hierarchy of which ones it will kill first.

    There are some sporadic reports of this with Music Speed Changer and out of 15 devices I test it on, I have one that does this. It also does it to Google Play Music background play. I've done a sys dump on this device, and everything with the app seems to be working as intended. So, there doesn't seem to be anything I can do, except perhaps reduce the memory usage, which I don't think can be done beyond a couple 100K.

    Not having many things that have visible notifications going on, and not using a heavy app in the foreground will help. But, I think it is a case of the device manufacturers not tuning the OOM killer correctly.
  • Then how do I fix this, I need to know
  • edited April 2021
    Today if the app stops while it is in the background or the screen is off, it's the device's battery optimizer turning off what it thinks is an unused app. The solution is to adjust the device's battery optimizer to allow Music Speed Changer to run in the background. It's simple, but different for each device, here is a site with instructions on how to fix it for all the device models know to kill apps in the background:

    Battery optimizer settings
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