Music Speed Changer

Music Speed Changer PC Install from Chrome (Web App)

Instructions on how to install and use the Music Speed Changer web app as a PC app using Chrome browser to install. (Edge instructions here)

  1. Open the Chrome web browser and go to the Music Speed Changer Web App:
    Go to the Music Speed Changer Web App
  2. Open the Chrome Menu by clicking on the three vertical dots in the upper right of the browser frame. Go to "Install Music Speed Changer..."
    Install the Music Speed Changer Web App on your PC
  3. Click "Install" to finish. That's it, the app is installed!
    Finish Music Speed Changer PC install
  4. The Music Speed Changer PC app is now ready on your computer. You can open it from the Start Menu or add other shortcuts.
    Open Music Speed Changer PC App from Start Menu
  5. The Music Speed Changer PC app will run as a standalone app, with an icon in the task bar. You can right click the icon and "Pin to taskbar" if you wish to keep the icon there for easy access.
    Music Speed Changer PC Application running
  6. Slow down or speed up music on your PC, independently shift tempo and pitch and set loop points with Music Speed Changer now running as an installed PC app
    Slow down or speed up Music on PC with Music Speed Changer Windows Install
More tutorials are in the works! We would love to get feedback and welcome all suggestions... Send us a note
Music Speed Changer Web App for iPhone, Android, Desktop and Web Browser Tool