448 Hz


448 Hz
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  • I realized that it's Track Isolation Splitter itself that's doing the ending point errors that cuts off in tracks/songs and not the tracks that I downloaded from a music downloading app. No idea what's causing it to happen, to be honest.
  • Which is also known as the Brilliance and Sheen range in that section
  • I also forgot to put "shimmery" in the 8KHz & 16KHz frequency range section
  • This also means that you're not allowed to fix the Track Isolation Splitter errors that cuts off in some song's/track's ending points?
  • Or, is it both?
    in Minimum Speed Comment by 448 Hz July 21
  • @Iqmal Hakimi That could be a good idea
    in Add Lyrics Comment by 448 Hz July 21
  • @"Iqmal Hakimi" Same, I hope so. Some tracks in Track Isolation Splitter tends to cut off only at ending points of a song and it annoys me a little bit.
  • Totally, it should happen.
  • That's actually a great idea
  • I'll explain it again for my official explanation: Some tracks do tend to cut off in Track Isolation Splitter itself in ending points only even though the split tracks are complete. I have no idea what caused it to happen on some tracks with cut-off…
    in Track Splitter Comment by 448 Hz June 15
  • I'm now assuming that the 20 Hz is in Upgrade to Pro?
    in Preamp Comment by 448 Hz June 15
  • And by "fixed", I'm talking updated.
    in Track Splitter Comment by 448 Hz June 3
  • Is it possible to fix Track Isolation Splitter? Or no?
    in Track Splitter Comment by 448 Hz May 28
  • Especially when it comes to the Music Speed Changer settings
    in Track Splitter Comment by 448 Hz May 24
  • Or, is there nothing that can be done about it?
    in Track Splitter Comment by 448 Hz May 7
  • It does the same thing on my Phillips TV. The Balance number range and Equalizer dB range are both at -10 minimum and +10 maximum.
    in Balance Comment by 448 Hz April 23
  • Okay, thank you. It's making sense now.
    in Balance Comment by 448 Hz April 23
  • Is there anything else I can do to fix Track Isolation Splitter to remove the cutting end points to some tracks/songs?
  • Are you 100% sure that it's the rate itself and not the loop timing improvement and marker button presses that makes the audio distort? If yes, that makes 100% sense now.
    in Minimum Speed Comment by 448 Hz March 25
  • Unfortunately, yes it did. I left/reset the preamp to default 0 dB, and the ending point that cuts off in some of the songs in Track Isolation Splitter did the same exact thing.
  • Is the ceiling the input gain of the Limiter and the Threshold is the output gain of the Limiter? Or, no? Am I off about this?
    in Compressor Comment by 448 Hz March 14
  • I tried turning up the input gain 1 dB and more as I lower the threshold a couple dB down and more, and it's actually the right, correct, better and proper way to compress in general. Because the maximum input gain is up to 24 dB, it makes the thres…
    in Compressor Comment by 448 Hz March 11
  • Now, the equalizer bands will be updated to 9.
    in Preamp Comment by 448 Hz March 11
  • Yes, thank you so much. I'm going to be so excited for it the update when it happens.
    in Preamp Comment by 448 Hz March 10
  • Including the 20 Hz equalizer band?
    in Preamp Comment by 448 Hz March 10
  • When I turn the Compressor on by default, I turn the preamp down to -2.1 dB as far as -15 dB of headroom goes. That's why I'm asking you for the official update of the Preamp and Balance to add the load and save preset.
    in Preamp Comment by 448 Hz February 29
  • I restarted the device, I re-installed Music Speed Changer, I disabled battery optimizer of Music Speed Changer. I completed the track splitting of Peek A Boo by Migos, and the same exact ending point of the song cuts off. It still does the same exa…
  • As far as downloading songs go, the song's ending point cuts off out of nowhere when the song ends. Only some songs does happen like that unexpectedly.
  • Or, is there nothing that can be done about it?
  • Is it Ghost Music?
    in Problem Comment by 448 Hz February 13

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