Save loop A/B information?

edited August 2020 in Help (Android)
Hi, is it possible to save A/B loop points? If I switch to the next song and the go back, loop points are gone.


  • The markers shouldn't be going away (the loop points do). Can you double check the markers actually go away? Maybe you have two tracks with the same name and you're going back to a different one?
  • Sorry for misleading, my apologize. The markers are OK I have edited my first post. Everything looks fine now, I didn't know that loop is a subset of markers.
    Your app has EVERYTHING I need so I'm glad I have purchased it. Thank you!
  • edited September 2020
    There is no direct way to save A/B points. To index the loop A/B information, set markers on the points you want to have remembered. Markers are bookmarks that are set and remembered for each track to allow for easy jumping to marked points in audio files. To learn how they work, see our Editor Components YouTube guide (1:52):

    The full video guide along with the transcript can also be found here:
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