Exported Audio Volume Issue

When exporting my track, the produced audio file is significant quieter than how the audio sounded when played in-app.
Why is this and how can I make my saved audio the same volume as how the audio sounds on the in-app player?


  • In Equalizer, change Preamp to 0.0.

  • This doesn't make any difference. I've tested with the preamp on off set to 5+ set to 5-, it adjusts the volume in-app just fine but exporting is always at least half the volume as what I hear on the in-app player. Setting the preamp to 5+ doesn't even make the exported audio louder, only more distorted and clippy.

    All I want is to be able to have the exported audio the same volume as the in-app player audio, but I can't seem to find a way to do that. I'll keep poking around today but any suggestions you have would be helpful, this might just be a bug.

  • I would make sure you are playing the original file and the rendered file on the same music player when comparing. If using Music Speed Changer, set the Preamp to 0.0 when both saving and playing back. If this problem is still happening, please send both the original file and rendered file to musicspeedchanger@gmail.com.

    The Preamp has no limiter or compression built-in, so adding gain is going to causing clipping pretty quickly on tracks that are already close to being at maximum capacity.

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