Problems with songs with APE tags

edited August 2019 in Help (Android)

Hello. As you can see I love putting tags into my songs to play it on my cellphone. But sometimes the app recognizes that the song's track lenght is too long or too short for the real track lenght.

For example the Celldweller album:

-I have a track called Symbiont in which the track lenght should be 5:26, but the app recognizes as 5:13 cutting the track short at the end.
-The next one, Afraid This Time, the track lenght should be 5:01 but the app recognizes as 5:43 repeating the track as it reaches its actual lenght instead of the app's recognized one, and not processing with the next track.

In both cases I have fixed it by reverting the tracks and then reverting it back, the track lenght the app recognizes is the same but the track at least reached its actual lenght of its track.

Would you fix it please? It gets me annoyed as I try to play music.


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