Moving App Components / Adding More Accent Colors

First of all, thank you for making the best music listening app, I use it every day.

I have a few improvement suggestions that could make the experience even better.

1. User sorting of top bar items (songs, artists and so on). I often use playlists, and in the app that's the very last item on the list. It'd be very convenient if the user had the option to freely sort the order of these.

2. On the playback screen, any effects user has enabled are shown at the top, above the waveform display. For ease of access, it would be great to be able to move the effect controls from above the waveform to below it, switching their places.

3. A smaller thing would be to add some more accent colors. I like black and orange UIs, but the app doesn't have orange as an option (closest thing is yellow)
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