Accessing and Editing the Playing Queue

edited November 2023 in Help (Android)
The playing queue is a playlist sorted in the order of how the tracks will be played by the Music Speed Changer app. You can access the playing queue from the editor screen. From the playing queue screen, you can edit and save the playing queue for future use.

To access the playing queue, tap on the music note/three horizontal lines symbol with Playing next and the next title at the bottom of the editor just under the player controls.
Open the playing queue

You will see a play/pause button next to the currently playing track and the name of the currently playing track
Icon next to the currently playing track

The two line symbol in front of each track is each track's drag handle, which let's you move the track around to rearrange the order of the playing queue and thus rearrange the order of playback
Rearrange the playing queue

The three dots to the right of each track open the track option menu from which you can remove the track from the playing queue as well as perform the standard track functions
Track option menu

The three dots to the right of the name of the current track in the header open the playing queue option menu
Open the playing queue option menu

From the playing queue option menu, you can scroll to the currently playing track, clear the current playing queue or save the playing queue as a new playlist or into an existing playlist
Save the playing queue
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