Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (Chrome extension)

edited February 2021 in Chrome Extension
What sites does Music Speed Changer Chrome extension work on?

Music Speed Changer should work on any site that outputs audio. Additionally, many sites with a video or audio HTML5 playback element such as YouTube, Apple Music, Pandora or Vimeo allow additional features, including looping, play/pause and seeking in the Music Speed Changer popup, and speeding up the audio.

What does 'out of sync' mean when I slow down the speed on many music only sites? Why does using the playback controls like play/pause or seek on the pages not work right away when the tempo is slowed down? Why can't I speed up audio on these sites?

On sites without a video or audio element such as Spotify or Deezer, Music Speed Changer has no choice but to simply capture whatever audio is being played at the moment, even if it is silence. If the tempo is slowed down , the audio cannot be played fast enough and the extra is placed in a buffer.

This creates situations where using the controls on the page seems to have no effect, as the extension is rendering audio that was played earlier. In this case, clicking the amber "Sync" button in the popup will erase the buffer and return the audio being played to be even with the page controls for the moment.

Note that the "Sync" will automatically happen after approximately three minutes to prevent excess memory usage and crashing of the extension.

For reasons mentioned earlier, there is no way to speed up the audio on these pages.

What does "Disconnected" mean at the bottom of the extension popup?

This means that you are either on a page that is ineligible for audio capture, such as a chrome:// or file:// page, or there is another extension already capturing audio from the tab. In the latter case you would need to stop the audio capture of the other extension before using Music Speed Changer on that tab.

How do I completely stop Music Speed Changer on a tab?

Music Speed Changer only starts processing audio when you click on the extension icon and the popup opens, and then only for that tab. In order to completely stop processing for a tab, select "Disconnect Audio" from the three-dot overflow menu at the top right of the popup.

More information on Music Speed Changer browser extension


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