Formant preservation

I need to change the tone without the singer's voice sounding like a Chipmunk or a monster, since it shows that the song is distorted, but if you add to keep formants it sounds natural, at least I do need it and it could be useful, and it could be activated and desactivated, and I have never been answered about this


  • I believe we have answered you in the past. It's unlikely we will have formant preservation because it doesn't seem like it makes much difference, at least with the library we use. You can hear the difference it would make by trying the demo app of elastique at and switching between pro and efficient. I can't really tell the difference, and there is not a way to make the voice not sound like monsters and chipmunks with large pitch changes. It would be a much larger licensing fee, so I don't really see the benefit.
  • Sólo inténtelo, a ver qué pasa, no se pierde nada con​ probarlo. No me quiero decepcionar
  • edited December 2017
    Pues yo no seguiré escuchando mis canciones con efecto de ardilla nunca más, se supone que es una solicitud de función, quiero la preservación de formantes y resulta que no quieren ponerlo,no descansaré hasta que escuchen mis peticiones, la biblioteca que usan puede hacer eso, sé que dicen que la diferencia no es mucha pero sí se llega a notar en tonos más arriba como a +4 se llega a notar, qué lástima, tan buena aplicación que era
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